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League Operations

Below is information about Mukilteo Little League's budget and operations. You can always e-mail us with any questions or comments anytime by e-mailing [email protected].

Where do my registration fees go?

The Board of Directors' mission in regards to the league's annual budget is to continue to offer an affordable program for our players and families while maintaining a sustainable budget for the league that secures its financial health and well-being for the future. The league must not only plan for yearly operating costs, but also for periodic equipment replacement, unexpected casualties (e.g., damage or theft of property), and long-term capital improvements to the MLL baseball/softball complex.

Mukilteo Little League is a non-profit, 100% volunteer-driven organization. All revenues are re-invested into our program to improve the high quality of what we offer our players, families and community. The documents accessed through the link below are a breakdown of revenues and expenses from the league's 2020 fiscal year.

Mukilteo Little League
Fiscal Year 2021 Financial Reports
(Oct 1, 2020 - Sept 30, 2021)

Balance Sheet

Revenue & Expenses (Actual vs Budget)

Revenue & Expense by Class

Mukilteo Little League Sponsors

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